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Office Policy

Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday     9:00 am - 5:00 pm


The fee for an individual tooth varies by type of tooth, whether the tooth has been root canal treated before, and any additional procedures which might be required (e.g. instrument removal, perforation repair).  The cost for treatment is the same regardless of the number of treatment appointments required.  Recall or follow-up for the treated tooth is included in the cost as well.

Our office participates with some or all plans of the following insurance companies.

Assurant, Cigna, DeCare, Delta Dental, DenteMax, Guardian, Humana, Liberty, Medical Mutual,

MetLife, Superior, United Healthcare  

Fees and co-payments are due at the time of service.  Our office will inform you of the fee or co-payment required.  We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. 

Connect With Us

Ready to come in for an appointment?
Contact us today!

Dr. Philip L. Michaelson
Professional Endodontics, Inc.
Board Certified Endodontist

Cleveland endodontist, Dr. Philip L. Michaelson is dedicated to excellence in endodontics and root canal therapy including non surgical root canal retreatment, regenerative endodontics, cracked teeth, microscopic apical surgery and traumatic dental injuries.

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